NFT loans

The borrower-friendly protocol
Audited By

What do you mean, borrower-friendly?

No Auto-Liquidations

We’ve got your back. Pay on time and you won’t lose your NFT. Simple as that. No need to worry about floor prices dropping.

Repay early, pay less

Our pro-rata system means you only pay interest for the days until repayment (with a 7-day minimum).

Trait Boost

Got a rare NFT? Get a better valuation with our Trait Boosts feature.

Retain NFT Utility

Claim airdrops, access discord servers, enter events, and more during your loans thanks to Delegate Cash.

Fixed APR

Our APRs do NOT fluctuate according to utilization rates. Once you take a loan, the APR will remain the same until the term ends. Know what to expect - from start to finish.

APE Staking Compatible

Keep earning $APE from your staked BAYC and MAYC while using them as collateral for your loans.

Ape Staking

Keep earning $APE from your staked BAYC and MAYC while using them as collateral for your loans.

Why users trust Zharta

“The market offers us many different tools in order to leverage our holdings, but most of them are risky and/or unclear. I already tried most of them, but found my safe heaven with one: Zharta Finance"
“Zharta was my only experience with NFT lending just because it was super easy and smooth to get into. No need to make an offer and at some point get the funds after someone likes the deal you offered. Instant loans, backed by NFTs, are a cool way to get liquidity from otherwise illiquid assets"
“Zharta has proven itself as a battle-tested solution where I've conducted the majority of my NFT finance activity. The expert art valuation is unparalleled, and the intuitive UX enhances the user experience. (Also theyve got great LTVs!)"
“There was no other solution in the market that provided the safety and fairness that Zharta provides, both to lenders and borrowers with instant loans. It's also worth mentioning the team is very active and friendly, which facilitates the trust and connection in times of need."
“Thoroughly enjoyed the UI which is very user-friendly. I would recommend using Zharta to whoever is holding valuable NFTs in their wallet and want to get a loan at very reasonable conditions, knowing that the team will always be there to assist and help everyone!"
“Just repaid my first loan to see the process and I can say that for me Zharta is the #1 nft lending platform."
“The process was simple and transparent, I connected my cryptocurrency wallet, selected the NFTs I wanted to to pledge, and quickly received a competitive loan offer. The interest rates were reasonable. I received the funds directly in my wallet in just a few minutes."
@Kaoz says
“Hey just wanted to say I had a smooth experience with Zharta. The rates are reasonable and its great that you guys are implementing delegate cash as well."



What is Zharta?

Zharta is a real-time NFT loan platform for borrowers and lenders. Zharta allows you to get instant loans with your NFTs without losing ownership over them.

What are the main benefits of Zharta?

Zharta’s platform was designed to be user-friendly and accessible to anyone, regardless of their level of experience. We will help you choose the assets that best support your loan and you may bundle different NFTs into one single loan! Moreover you'll get Ether instantly and you will not be liquidated until the end of the loan duration.

Is Zharta safe to use?

When building our blockchain protocol, we ensured the smart contracts and the blockchain itself were 100% secure so there was no possibility of obstruction. Even our programming language, Vyper, was chosen with efficiency, simplicity, and security in mind. Finally, because our users' peace of mind is our top priority, all of Zharta's smart contracts are audited.

When I apply for a loan on an NFT, does Zharta take my NFT?

No. Zharta never gets custody of an asset. Collateralized NFTs are held in a smart contract escrow. This means that the assets are always subject to the pre-agreed business rules of the loan.

What is a smart contract? How do they work?

Smart contracts are programs stored within the blockchain that work as self-executing contracts. Once the two parties agree upon the terms, these are coded into the contract and deployed to the blockchain, thus rendering the transaction irreversible, traceable and transparent.

The value of the collateral I used for my loan went down. Can I be liquidated?

No. In our current version, all contracts are time-bound. This means they have a fixed term. During that period of time, the pre-agreed rules of the loan remain the same regardless of any changes happening outside their scope. As such, if the value of the collateral decreases during this period, the borrower will not be liquidated.

Can I borrow using more than one NFT asset to support my loan?

Yes, you can use one or more different community assets or bundles from the same category.

I know how much I need but not which assets to collateralize. Now what?

You can select the capital you want to borrow and we’ll help you choose the assets that best support your loan. If you don't agree with our selection, you are free to customize the NFTs you want to use, provided they match the value required for the loan you chose.

Which browsers and devices are supported?

Currently we only support desktop devices. We recommend Google Chrome or Firefox browser for a better experience.
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Numbers speak for themselves
10,300 eth
5,040 eth
4,560 eth
total profit
3,048 eth
assets traded
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of NFT
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non custodial
lending pools
default recovery
risk control
NFT discovery
your JPEGs
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/* CĂłdigo para corrigir problemas de UTM's - 02-01-2024 */