Welcome to
your first Web3 trip
the journey
Find out how to board the Zharta rocket and start winning amazing NFTs and prizes.
This is just the beginning of Zharta’s epic journey!
Experience our intergalactic, multi-metaverse trip and start winning NFT airdrops and rewards right now!
Reach Zhartaland and qualify for the biggest prize. What is it? Explore and find out!
Complete your missions and get the necessary supplies to fly ever further.
So, what are you waiting for? Board your rocket and boldly go where no man’s gone before!
Zharta rocket
Let's get


Check out the available challenges - some of them you can do (and repeat) at any time! Others are temporary, so make sure to follow us on Twitter and Discord and check the mission board.
Choose a mission and complete it. Some you’ll already have finished just by using the Zharta app, while others will require you to take specific steps. Venture forth - Fortune favors the bold!
Receive our amazing NFTs! Can you reach Zhartaland and collect all the cards? Remember, the best rewards are still out there to be discovered!
The missions

I’ve got friends in DeFi places

Follow Zharta on Twitter and enter our discord channel.
progress 33%
Like and comment on one or more of Zharta’s Twitter posts.
progress 66%
Contribute to the conversation on Zharta's discord general channel at least 3 times. Send us proof of all the completed steps on discord.
progress 100%

Become a Trendsetter.

Share on twitter that you won a Zharta NFT. Make sure to tag us (@ZhartaFinance) and include #ZhartaTheJourney
progress 33%
Coming soon...
progress 66%
Coming soon...
progress 100%
The cards
Liquidity Seeker
Master of Coins
Non Fungible Sparkles
The Amplifier
Liquidity Seeker
Master of Coins
Non Fungible Sparkles
The Amplifier

If some questions remain

What is Zharta the JOURNEY?
Zharta, The Journey is a gamification of the Zharta experience: an RPG-like trip through the Zharta universe. Destination: ZHARTALAND! Through this journey, you will have to collect cards to fulfill your survival needs - Food, Oxygen, Energy, and much more!Collect all the cards and find out how to use them to win NFT airdrops and other amazing prizes!
How do I start the journey?
The journey starts once you connect your wallet. Then, every time you complete a rewardable action you will win an award aka an NFT card.The one-time rewardable actions are: Connect your wallet. The Repeatable rewardable actions are: Engage on social media. Ask for a loan: Deposit money in a pool. Refer a friend. There will also be temporary rewardable actions that will be announced in our mission section and on our social media pages. Don’t miss out!!
What will I win?
By performing specific actions you will win Zharta NFT cards. These cards will later be exchangeable for bigger rewards yet to be revealed! The journey has just begun! Be one of the first ones to join and win the most valuable cards! Note: In order to avoid gas fees, cards will be awarded through the polygon network. How can I win? After you perform a rewardable action, you will automatically get the corresponding NFT card. Attention: you might not receive your new NFTs immediately - the process might take a few days. Be patient and check your wallet. If it’s taking too long, don’t hesitate to reach out to us through our discord channel! For social media-related actions, we would appreciate it if you could reach out and let us know the wallet corresponding to your Twitter/Discord account to facilitate tracking.
About our cards: How do I know the value of each NFT?
You can check the NFT’s characteristics and its rarity level in the Cards Section
About our cards: What happens if I get duplicates?
Some cards are meant to be received several times as they are prizes for actions that are supposed to be executed repeatedly. If you have duplicates you don’t need or want to own other cards you may exchange them. Note: To avoid gas fees, cards will be awarded through the polygon network.
About our cards: How can I exchange my cards?
Cards can be exchanged between players, join our discord channel - link and find out other players also looking to exchange cards. It’s up to you and the person you are exchanging cards with to define how to proceed with the exchange. Zharta won’t take responsibility for any inconveniences caused by a card exchange. There won’t be any gas fees associated with the exchange as we are using the Polygon network.

Title copy goes here

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